Thursday, October 16, 2008

What We Are, and What We're Becoming

I realize that I've written very little about Joey here. It's not to say that I don't want to write about him. I do very much. I already made a resolution to document our lives in pictures, so I've been trying to remember to bring my camera with us wherever we go and to actually use it. It feels funny, I frequently forget, and when I do remember, I feel silly, like I'm capturing moments that don't really matter because they're just simply little moments in a normal day. But I realize that these small moments when taken collectively make a life. And I am determined to document our life. Our life. Wow.

So far, I've done a fairly ok job. Not great, but ok. Here's one of my favorites from just a couple of weeks ago. We were on the BART train heading into San Francisco to meet up with one of his friends from PA school. There's nothing particularly special about this picture, except that I remember that moment. I remember sitting with him on that train, I remember how the sun was setting and we were laughing and full of the promise of what lay ahead. You wouldn't know it by looking at us in this picture; we're not smiling, nor do we look particularly excited about much. But to me? This picture is comfort, a representation of my new definition of Home.

So maybe I need to resolve to write about our life as well, to not leave it as moments frozen in a digital frame, but instead to expand on it, paint a true picture of who and what we are.
We’re nothing special, but oh what a special thing we have. No, ours is not a sweeping romance of epic proportions. But to us, it is. It’s made up of small moments, of seemingly insignificant times when taken together are carving out what we're becoming. I'm not done. He's not done. We're not done. With every day that passes, our lives takes shape just a bit more, and I can begin to see more clearly what’s intended to be made of us. And I'm not going to take it for granted or miss a moment of it. I'm determined.

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