Project 31

Project 31: A Celebration of Beauty

I took the invitation, and Project 31 has challenged me, inspired me, and helped me to see myself as I actually am, rather than how I perceive myself. But sometimes, a commitment is tough to see through to the end is, isn't it? True, Project  31 has done some great things in my heart, but it's been a lot of work. Hard, deliberate work. And it's taking me an awful long time to get through it.

But I'm pushing through, because the deepest part of me is learning that the mystery of beauty is so much deeper than my shallow insecurities have rendered it. I understand now, in a new, deeper, more profound way that beauty is everywhere, all the time--even when your eye can't immediately see it for what it is. But it's there. Somewhere. In every situation. Always. Why? Because God is everywhere, always. And he is beautiful. He makes all things beautiful--even me.

If you want to join in, head over to She Breathes Deeply for details!

Day 1: What Beauty Means to Me
Day 2: Uniquely Me
Day 3: An Inspiring Beauty
Day 4: My Favorite Outfit
Day 5: A Heart, Awakened
Day 6: Jaded? Me?
Day 7: Captivated Beauties
Day 8: My Little Secret
Day 9: Virtues and Values
Day 10: Contentedness and Faith
Day 11: Just One?
Day 12: Perfectionism
Day 13: Changing for the Better
Day 14: Adeline: My Little Valentine
Day 15: Letters to My Friends
Day 16: I Finally Understand
Day 17: Things that Make Me Happy
Day 18: The Enneagram
Day 19: Comfort Food
Day 20: Thoughts on My Career
Day 21: Dear Joey
Day 22: Smile On
Day 23: Strengths and Weaknesses
Day 24: Lessons on Love
Day 25: Comfy Clothes
Day 26: My Legacy
Day 27: A Word of Encouragement
Day 28: Insecurity
Day 29: A Day in the Life
Day 30: My Role Model  
Day 31: Beautiful Dreams