Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Project 31 Day 19: Write about your favorite comfort food.

Sheesh, sometimes I wonder if I bit off more than I can chew with this Project 31 thing. It feels like I've been doing it forever, when in reality, it's just taking a long time because I don't get to it every day. But, I made a promise to myself that I would finish, come what may, so here I go. Day 19.

Comfort foods. Seems sort of strange to talk about comfort foods when we're talking about beauty, doesn't it? But comfort foods are a beautiful thing. Maybe not visually, but emotionally. And isn't that why they're comfort foods, because they strike an emotional chord in the deepest part of ourselves?

For me, comfort food is nothing fancy, made from the simplest of ingredients, and homemade. A few favorites from my childhood are my mom's beef stew, hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes, and brown derby burgers, and my grandma's chicken enchiladas, golden potatoes, and chicken and noodles. Oh, and homemade bread so warm that it melts the butter as you spread it, big pots of savory soups, and anything made out of potatoes. I admit, french fries are pretty much right up there. Whew--I'm getting hungry just thinking about these things!

Oop, there's Addie, waking up from a nap. Gotta go :) What are your favorite comfort foods?

1 comment:

Molly said...

mac n cheese or a great bowl of pasta, grilled cheese, cookies and milk, frozen yogurt... shall i go on??? chubby burgers. yes. and our "secret recipe." now that's quality food. not disgusting at all. =)