Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Random Day

While cleaning out my drafts folder, I found this blog entry I wrote over two months ago. Thought I might as well post it. It's unfinished, but that's sort of like life, right? Our days, in some ways, feel unfinished as they slowly fade from one into the other. But as I've come to find out, the "boring details of our day" build upon each other and eventually, we realize that they've built a life.

So here it is: a small snapshot of thoughts from one day in my life. It's not an extraordinary, important day, really, except for that I was given the chance to live it. And that, in and of itself, is an extraordinary, important gift.

Tonight, I somehow find myself with a bit of time on my hands. I think it's because Joey took over bedtime duty so that I could finish baking cupcakes for his birthday tomorrow. Somehow I finished before Addie's down for the night, and so here I am, alone with my thoughts for a moment, wondering what to write about (I hate it when that happens. During the day, so many thoughts swirl around inside of me begging me to be let out on the page, and then when I sit down and give them the chance to do so, they decide they're too cozy and warm inside to venture out into the world.). I guess I'll go with talking about the boring details of my day to see if there's a small bit of wonder to be found there. I am, after all, on a quest for beauty, right? Here it goes....

Today felt like a perfect fall day--crisp air, red and yellow leaves carpeting the ground as I walked through the trees to my office this morning, hot latte in hand, favorite warm coat on...and yet, it's the middle of January. Make that make sense.

This afternoon, I told the lady at the bakery that I couldn't pay $60 for a birthday cake, thinking to myself that I could make it myself for less--and then spent nearly that at the store anyway just an hour later. Yes, I did get a lot more for my money than just ingredients for cake, but still. I felt a little bit defeated as I walked out of the store. Funny how that happens.

Joey got home early today, if early is 5:40pm. It felt early, since he's been getting home later than that almost every night since, well, since I can remember. That was a fun surprise. And it was so ... touching, I guess I could say, to see the way Addie looked at him when he greeted her. It was precious to see him be dad while she was awake, even if it was just for a little while tonight..."

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