Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Project 31 Day 27: A Word of Encouragement

Sheesh--it's been over two months since I tackled a Project 31 topic. Oh well. Sometimes that sort of thing happens despite our best efforts, eh? In any case, here we go again.

Day 27.  Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence.

So many names are popping into my mind right now. It seems that just about everyone I know who is a woman could do with a good dose of encouragement. I know I could. 


I didn't think this through before starting. I hadn't really known this was the topic I would be tackling tonight, and although I've had many ideas of who to write this to (when I thought about it at the back of my mind since first starting the project), someone entirely different has taken up residence in my thoughts this evening, and as we all know when something like that happens, we ought to pay attention (don't we?).

So Miss Val, this one's for you.

The more I think about you, the more I wonder what in the world I could say to build your confidence.

After all, you're the one who has encouraged me, prayed for me, called me out on the truth of who I am, and called me up to the task of living out that truth--since the very first time we spoke. Do you remember it? Probably not, but I do. It was at a women's retreat a few years ago. You were ministering to many people at the same time, and with time, faces become fuzzy, words spoken in prayer fade from memory and take up residence in the heart of whoever the prayer was for, and time moves on.

But I remember. Not as clearly now as I used to, but I do remember this: You were one of the first people outside of my immediate circle of friends who encouraged me, without knowing much about me, to write. It was during the time in my life when the desire to do so was just beginning to peek its head through the hard soil of my timid heart, and perhaps you knew that somehow, because the words you spoke to me challenged me to break out of the self-protective barriers I had placed around myself, barriers that had kept me captive from the freedom that comes from living out my calling.

And not long after that, you met and befriended Joey and saw in him something special, something he didn't realize was there, something about which he was actually quite passionate. You called him out and called him up, encouraging him to take risks and be bold and discover and develop talents he had only dreamed about before then. You built him up in a way that no one had before.

These are only two examples, but I am certain there are countless others like these. I am certain of this because encouraging others is what you're about. It's who you are. You live your life in such a way that by simply being you, you encourage, build up, and inspire others to take a risk and see what happens when they start walking in their destiny.

I realize that we don't know each other very well (a fact that I very much hope will change), but what I do know of you, I admire. I respect. I enjoy. You are an example of what it means to be a confident, secure, vulnerable, and soft woman all at the same time. You are such a treasure, one that I'm sure God is jealous for, one that makes His heart smile with every thought He has for you.

In short, you matter. Your life matters. To me, yes, but to so many others as well. And tonight, may you sleep soundly in the peace that comes with knowing that.

Much love.

1 comment:

Valarie said...

many, many thanks my friend. I love you and your family very much.