Monday, January 24, 2011

Project 31 Day 2: What makes you uniquely you?

I know I'm late. Yesterday was a busy day. Joey's brother and sister-in-law were in town, and I was far too exhausted to sit down and write this out by the time they left last night. I'm trying hard not to beat myself up about it (see below). Oh well. I guess I'm just a day behind. I'll try to catch up tomorrow!

Ok, down to business. What makes me unique? That's a question I've been trying to answer for a long time. I think when we're so familiar with our own selves, sometimes we just feel, well, normal (don't we?). Either that, or just ordinary. To look for the things about myself that are special is hard because to me, they're just, well, me. So, here's a quick list of things that make me me.

I love Jesus. He's my everything.
I really, really, really love chocolate. I especially love chocolate covered strawberries.
I hate chocolate combined with either raspberry or orange. Ew.
I am a good listener.
I cry a lot, especially when I laugh. My friends call them Rachel Tears.
I'm a not-so-closet Harry Potter fan. (Seriously, I'm a Harry Potter nerd.)
I pretty much always give a disclaimer when I'm talking to someone, about, well, anything. (Except for when I really mean it. Wait, is that a disclaimer?)
I say I'm sorry far too often, for things that (usually) don't warrant it.
I am an optimist when it comes to other people, but a pessimist when it comes to myself.
I have many, many books. Tons. I love them. But most of the books on my shelf are either unread, or only 50% read. I keep a stack on my nightstand that very nearly topples over every day, but having them there is a comfort, in a way. I get lost in them, learn from them, am inspired by them, and find rest in them.
I tend to beat myself up about things (see introduction to this post for an example...).
I'm a middle child--I have two brothers, no sisters. My brothers are best friends now, and I've always longed to have a sister of my own, one who is my best friend. Even though that dream will never become a reality, I've been blessed with many, many girlfriends who are like sisters to me.
I'm a peacemaker.
I'm an encourager.
I hate trying on jeans. Bain of my existence.
I love to explore, to learn new things, to stretch my mind and expand my understanding.
I love pretty things.
I'm really sorry, but I'm just not a dog person. Actually, I'm not much of an animal person. They're beautiful creatures, but ... well, can I just admire and appreciate them from a distance?
I love to get lost: in books, in old movies, in new places, in the beauty of the night sky, in my husband's arms.
I hate flying. HATE it. But I love to travel. 
I'm quite easy going, but I can be incredibly stubborn about a few things when my mind is made up.
I love to cook, but I usually apologize for what I think is the mediocre quality of what I make (see? I told you I apologize a lot!)
It takes me a long time to make a decision, but once made, I'm pretty committed to it.
My feet are always cold when I get into bed.
I love to learn about health and wellness, and really like teaching people that cooking healthy does not require sacrificing flavor. To me, it simply enhances it (when done well!)
I love wandering through farmers markets.
I have a little beauty mark below my left eye--and I secretly adore it.
I'm a dreamer.
I love to write. It's where my the jumbled mess inside my head takes shape and begins to make sense.

I'm sure there are many other things that make me uniquely me. But for now, I think that'll do.

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