Monday, January 31, 2011

Project 31 Day 7: Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.

This one's dedicated to all my fellow "Captividians."

It feels like a lifetime ago that we sat in Miss Joni's living room, a mixed bouquet of women from so many walks of life, all unique and beautiful in our own ways, and all united by one thing: a deep desire to restore our feminine hearts to their original vitality.

As I write this, the song "Beautiful" by Mercy Me just started playing. I've heard it so many times in the past couple of weeks; the first time was just after I'd had a battle with myself over my self-image. I was feeling distinctly unbeautiful one evening, and the next day I heard this song on the radio several times in one day. It seemed to always be on whenever I turned on the radio. After about the fourth time, I finally realized that hearing it that many times--almost in a row--wasn't exactly normal, so I stopped to listen to the words long enough to figure out that God was definitely sending me a message. Now, as I write to all of you, it's on again--and I believe God is sending a reminder to all of you, too--that you're breathtaking. Lovely. Cherished. Beautiful. My dear friend Ashley posted a lovely video montage set to this song and posted it on her own blog. You can see it here, and I really encourage you to take the time watch it. 

I know how easy it is to forget the truth about yourself. I've been battling with losing perspective, with losing track of the truth, and I know some of you have probably been walking through a season where you've lost sight of who you really are, too. If you're like me and you've forgotten the truth, or are having a hard time believing the truth even though you know it, then I hope this will jog your memory and encourage you to take a big risk and believe what God says is actually true.

The truth is this: "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." (Song of Solomon 4:7).

What does that mean, exactly? That you're perfect? Certainly not. But you're perfectly made. Everything about you is just as God wanted it to be. He made you to be a breathtaking beauty who gently allures, an ezer kenegdo who courageously comes alongside, and a warrior princess who boldly battles in the face of the enemy. You're the captivating crown of creation.

You are altogether beautiful. Remember it. Live it. And pass it on.

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