Thursday, April 7, 2011

Project 31 Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)

Long days, short nights. Another working day comes, and there's always another patient to see. And meetings. And presentations. And maybe extra hours of overtime. Then commuting, and at home, there are baths. And bills. Tack on top of that the pile of laundry that seems to never quite go away, dishes left undone, diaper pails to empty, and teeth to brush. Not to mention, you know, spending time together. When did life get so busy? Do you ever find it hard to breathe?

Joey, you just might be the hardest worker I’ve ever known. You see needs and take action. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You don’t take the easy way out. You fight long and hard for what’s right. You make concessions when necessary. You choose to believe deep in a central part of you that money isn’t really all that important, really. A tool, yes, one that you need to make your way in the world. But at the end of the day, it’s just money. It’s not happiness.

For you, happiness can be found in the strum of a guitar, in the mystery of paint on canvas, on a lung-piercing trek through the mountains, in the wonder of the night sky, in the laughter that a well-timed joke elicits, in the face of your baby girl, in the precious time spent together.

You are more than what your daily schedule says about you. You are Artist. Deep thinker. Lifetime learner. Hard worker. Safe place. Comedian. Provider. Lover. Helper. Protector. Father. Man after God’s heart.

Remember that even though what you do is important, it’s who you are, underneath all of those labels, that matters. To me. To Addie. To the Lord. To this world. And who you are is good.

You are one-of-a-kind, and I like it that way. I am so proud to be your wife.

1 comment:

Melanie-Pearl said...

Joey's a lucky man. You three are beautiful together.