Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Quest to Live Intentionally--July 13, 2010

On my birthday this year, I wrote out a few goals for myself, things I'd like to accomplish before I turn 30. One of the things I wrote was to be a deliberate friend. To me, being deliberate means being intentional about things, which takes effort--lots of it, really. Having intention suggests purpose, which in turn suggests planning, determination, a reason for doing something.

In friendship, particularly since life takes friends in many different directions, intentionality (is that a word?) is necessary, otherwise we can let life pass us by and we'll wake up wondering why in the world we're lonely. Or unsatisfied. Or frustrated with the people we love.

I think that there's something to be said for living intentionally, meaning living a life of purpose, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally--and physically. I don't want to just slide by--not in any area of life. I don't want to sit back and consume the things the world tells me I should consume. I don't want to sit back and do life the easy way. I don't think life was meant to be easy, anyway. It's sure nice when things are easy, but I just don't think an "easy" life is equivalent to an "abundant" life. So here is the beginning of my journey toward living intentionally, toward seeking abundance in all areas of life.

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