Wednesday, April 13, 2011

From Scratch

My husband calls me Scratch, a nickname that I really hated when he first came up with it. It didn't sound romantic or sweet or anything close to what I thought a husband should call a wife. Plus, it just sounded, well, weird when he'd call me Scratch. In those early days, I protested, but he persisted. Scratch stuck, and eventually, the name became worn in and began to fit me, much like a good pair of jeans. (If you're curious about where the name came from and how I eventually came to accept it, read this.) I wear the name well now, and to be honest, I realized that it echoes something that I like about myself.

I am committed to live intentionally, to being mindful of what I consume and why I consume it, and to honoring God in even the most basic choices I make every day. Making things from scratch is a big part of living out that commitment. In fact, doing so comes naturally to me. In the kitchen, I far prefer tossing together fresh ingredients to opening up a box or ordering take out. Things that are handmade make me feel like the world is actually quite a lovely place after all, as are the people whose hands and heart took the time to craft something beautiful, often out of seemingly nothing. Reminds me of our Creator. Isn't that what He did?

I'm not an expert, and I'm certainly still learning to be more intentional, more mindful, and more God-honoring. But I am full of desire: to do better, to learn more, to share what I learn, and to inspire and encourage others to do the same.

If you're so inclined, feel free to peruse my From Scratch page for recipes and other tidbits I discover in the learning process!

PS--Be forewarned: it's pretty bare at the moment. I've just gone ahead and listed some of the things I've posted about here before, but there are more things coming. Like I said: it's a process! But for those of you who have been asking me for recipes for, well, almost as long as I've known you? This page will, eventually, be full of the recipes you so desire, along with more as I experiment and learn. Promise!

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