Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Project 31 Day 24: What is Jesus teaching you presently?

Sometimes I sit and stare at her, this little girl of mine, and there are moments in which the importance of whatever I'm doing diminishes when I'm confronted with the innocence of her beauty. While going through the motions of changing a diaper or wiping her nose or putting socks on cold feet, my eyes suddenly smart, and tears come seemingly out of nowhere because I'm overcome with love for her.

In these moments, I hear Him whispering to me, teaching me about the purest, truest kind of love there is: His love. For me.

There's something about the pure love of Jesus that just never quite made sense to me until Adeline came along. Just like she didn't have to do anything to earn my love, so I don't have to do anything to earn His love. He loves me because, well, He can't not love me, just like I can't not love my little Addie.

And more than that, He loves Addie even more than I love her.

However much I love this sweet little girl of mine, I'm learning that his heart for me is bigger than my heart is for her. An impossible truth, it seems, and yet, He has been using the love I have for my daughter to tell me, "This is how I see you. The way you love Addie? That's how I love you. Just as you love her simply because she's her, I love you simply because you're you. Everything about you arrests my heart and makes me stop to catch my breath."

It's amazing, His love. Over and over, daily, He reminds me.

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