Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Project 31 Day 25: Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes

You know, I have so few pictures of me by myself, especially since Addie was born. I tend to shy away from the camera, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising. I don't feel at ease in front of it like some people do. I feel on the spot, under the microscope, and just generally exposed. 

I did find two pictures to share, though. The first is of me on our honeymoon, wearing a ball cap, layered t-shirts and my favorite jeans (the ones I talked about in previous posts). I loved this outfit because it was comfortable, but presentable. I always feel laid back and ready for whatever the day throws at me when I wear a ball cap like this.

This next picture is more recent, however. It's me in all my "morning glory"--unshowered, hair a mess, and in my old SJSU sweatshirt. I'm sure I'm wearing gray sweatpants, too, but I can't quite tell. She, however, is super cute, as always. What I love best about her outfit is that it is not only cute, it's very comfortable. Knit fabric. Stretch pants. She has no idea she's such a cutie in it--all she knows is that she feels like she's wearing jammies.

Lately I have been trying to reconcile my own need for comfort with wearing clothes that make me feel cute. It's a hard balance to strike when I don't have money stashed somewhere to go blow on a whole new wardrobe. I've been able to get a few things here and there, which is awesome, but I still gravitate toward my "tried and true" things that I know aren't doing me any favors, if you know what I mean. They're easy, I'm just at home, and they're comfortable.

But what is it about an old sweatshirt that brings comfort? Sure, the fabric is warm, soft, cozy, and makes me comfortable in some ways, but it makes me uncomfortable in other ways. I don't feel good about myself when I wear them. I feel frumpy, like I've "let myself go," like I'm someone who just sort of gave up on my appearance. And feeling like that is uncomfortable. I know that's not the truth, but it's how I feel. And yet, when I feel like that, all I want to do is just curl up in my sweatshirt because it somehow comforts me. Weird cycle, I know.

Sometimes I come really close to getting rid of the sweatshirt. But I can't seem to bring myself to do it. Why not?

(No seriously, I'm asking.)

Maybe I'm making too much of this. Maybe it doesn't really matter at all. Maybe wearing a ratty sweatshirt and old sweatpants doesn't make one bit of difference. But maybe it does. Does it have an adverse effect on how I see myself, how I feel about myself? Does it change the way my husband sees me? (Probably not at the heart of how he feels, but I'd venture a guess that a baggy, old sweatshirt doesn't do him any favors, either.)

If my self image were thriving and healthy, would it make me feel better about wearing a baggy sweatshirt? Or would I still feel frumpy and unattractive? Or if it were a new sweatshirt, would that change things?

Something to think about.

Does anyone else have something like my SJSU sweatshirt that you just can't seem to get rid of? Am I the only one?


Molly said...

um, i still have my sjsu, ucd, and sac state sweatshirts, all of which make regular appearances, much to jeff's disbelief, i'm sure. and no, i cannot seem to part with them at all. ever. =) and i am with you 100% on all points. you read my mind. as usual. =)

Melanie-Pearl said...

i have one of Cody's sweatshirts from when we were in high school. it's a light brown gap boxy sweatshirt. my fave. the ends of the sleeves are unraveling. a 22 year old from my master's program complimented me on it just the other night. we figured out she was about 8 when it was originally for sale. HA! great post.