Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Choose to Agree with Him, Too.

"It's God who sees beauty in everything. I just choose to agree with Him."

This quote comes from Sweetpea Beauty, a Veggie Tales video that I watched while rocking Addie yesterday while she was so sick. The quote challenged my understanding of how we see beauty. As it turns out, seeing beauty in things is a choice. It is a choice to be in agreement with God. It is a choice to take him at his word. It is a choice to have our attitudes and beliefs be in alignment with what he says is true.

This quote also showed me that real beauty isn't always obvious to the casual (or passive) observer; we often need to deliberately seek beauty out because it won't just knock us upside the head all the time. The more we practice this, the easier it will become, I think. The more we look at the world and the people in it with the eyes of Christ, the more we'll see what he sees--even in ourselves.

So today, I'm choosing to agree with God and to believe that what He says about beauty (even my own) is actually true. A risk worth taking, I believe--for myself, yes, but also (and perhaps more importantly) for my daughter who will learn from me.

I'll leave you with the song "Beautiful for Me" by Nicole Nordeman (which was featured in Sweetpea Beauty). It moved me to tears when I saw this version of it because I pictured my own daughter twirling around like this, innocently dancing in the freedom that comes from knowing deep down that she is captivating. I challenge you to not just listen to the words, but to choose to agree with them and live them out--for yourself, and for your daughters.

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