Thursday, February 17, 2011

Project 31 Day 15: Write to a friend. Inspire her beauty.

There are so many of you, beautiful friends who have made an impact on my life in more ways that perhaps you'll ever know. Choosing just one proved too difficult; I admire you all, for reasons as varied as you are. I know that this small attempt to tell you about how wonderful you are won't do justice to the many facets of who you are. Even so, please accept this small token, from my heart to yours.

To my dear Christy, my best friend. Today is your birthday, so I find it fitting that you should be celebrated first! I once said of you that you are my friend, playmate, confidante, and ally and it is all still very true, despite the fact that life gets in the way sometimes. No matter how life changes (and my how it’s changed), you will always be the sister I never had, the friend I admire, and the mentor I look up to. You are a beautiful example of God's grace, of his redemptive love, and of the way he showers us with surprises. Your life is a testimony to those things, and an encouragement to those with whom you bravely share your story, myself included. Because of you, I know, deep down in the most hidden part of myself, that I'm ok. That I'm chosen. That I'm good. That I'm His. Your love for Jesus is beauty beyond measure, and your heart for him inspires me to chase after him with the same fervor as you. Your gift of inclusiveness and hospitality challenge me to take risks and love on people. Your laugh and your smile create warmth and welcome wherever you go. 

Christy, your life has a profound impact on so many people, and I believe that God is celebrating you today just as much as anyone here on Earth—in fact, I bet he’s throwing a much bigger party than anyone. It’s hard to imagine, perhaps, but I’m sure it’s true. I hope you haven’t forgotten just how important you are, or how dramatically the world has changed because of your existence in it. I am so thankful that you are alive—that your heart is fully alive. Beauty is a feminine heart fully alive, right? You’ve been an example of that in my life. You’re an inspiration. An advocate. A comfort. A joy. The simple beauty of who you are offers comfort and healing; it is a safe place to find rest, honesty, and laughter. You make people better because of the love you show them. I love that about you. Have a very happy birthday, my dear friend!

To Miss Ashley, the girl from whom I draw strength and inspiration. You are as multifaceted as a diamond, and no, I’m not just stealing that from your blog. It’s the truth. You are as valuable, as beautiful, as shimmering, as strong, and as cherished as a diamond. I believe that in many ways, you live out the famous line “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” You are the diamond, and you are so many girls’ best friend because of the way they value you, your friendship, your counsel, and your opinion. Keep on sparkling, Ashley. The world’s only begun to see how bright you will shine.  

To Kara, a girl whose name is fitting because she is care incarnate. We joke that we are soul mates, because, well, we’re very similar in many ways. But there is so much about who you are that is uniquely yours, and I love that about you. Your adventurous spirit, your eagerness to try new things, your courageous efforts to move on from the old and step into the new—all of those things make you beautiful. You could be one of the most consistently “done up,” accessorized girls I know, and I think it speaks volumes about who you are. You are not any just one thing (just like you never wear just one fabulous accessory; your whole outfit is always put together and beautiful). All of the pieces together make a beautiful whole you. Your beauty is far deeper than what you look like on the outside, though. Your heart for others, your generous spirit, the care you give your friends and family. You enrich people’s lives just by being a part of them.

To Amy Lawrence, my delightful friend. You make me smile. I love that you make female relationships a priority in your life (and I’m sorry I’m not always around to join in). Because of you, I know that it needs to be a priority in my own life, that female friendships bring life and joy and release that cannot be found in other places. Your generosity is beyond measure; you are selfless, have so much love to give away, and somehow always seem to have endless reserves of energy, even though I know better (you have three small children, after all). Your friendship is a beautiful addition to my life because of the beauty of who you are. When you feel tired, as I know you must, remember that being tired doesn’t change who you are deep down in the truest part of yourself. You can do this. You can make it through. You don’t have to put on a brave face and pretend that everything’s ok. You can be soft and vulnerable because there’s beauty in that. You can be joyous and celebratory because there’s beauty in that. You can be simply yourself because there is beauty in that. Who you are is beautiful, and I love being a part of your life.

To Amy Kerr, my beloved friend. You are my kindred spirit, a girl whose heart beats like mine. It's funny to me that someone whose voice I hear only every so often can be such a close friend, but I guess that's simply how our friendship has always been, hasn't it? (Or at least, it's been that way for the past 20 years.) You have a beautiful heart. There is safety in your friendship because you are peace. Your spirit makes things beautiful, and your smile lights up a room. I miss you dearly, probably more than I could ever really put into words. But I’m thankful beyond measure for you, for who you are in Christ, and for the beautiful woman you’ve become. You make the world better simply by being a part of it.

To Molly Nelson, my dear lifelong friend. My history is intertwined with yours; without you, I wouldn't be who I am. When we were younger, your beauty challenged what I thought about my own, as I often compared myself to you (and strove to be more like you because you were the cute, fun, popular girl--and me? I was just the popular girl's friend...). Your blond hair, blue eyes, and perfect calves were objects of my envy for a long time, until you taught me that beauty is much deeper than simply how you look; beauty is who you are. You are a beautiful example of facing fears, doing things scared, and choosing to chase after the truth, come what may. I am privileged to know you, as are the many other women who call you friend. Keep being the beautiful you that God delights in.

To my friend Felicia, the girl who is Southern comfort come to life: You are good ol' fashioned beauty. I've never known someone so sure of her own beauty. You know, deep down, that you are beautiful, and that is something that makes your beauty shine even brighter. Your confidence makes you sparkle brighter than any piece of jewelry ever could. You taught me what it looks like to own your beauty without conceit, without pride, and without ugliness. You give me hope that it's possible for my daughter to know down in the deepest part of herself that she is enough. Thank you for your friendship, for loving me as I am, and for encouraging me to step out into who I will become. I love being your friend; it’s a privilege, an honor, and a whole lot of fun!


tommysmommy said...

this post brought tears to my eyes. friends are truly gifts from God to challenge, change and bring joy to us.

Felicia Bond said...

Rachel, I could eat you with a spoon! How sweet are you? I love how you surprise me. You're like that last little gift hidden in your stocking at christmas. That feeling of being surprised and the excitement that there is one more present to open. That's you.
I love you more than my luggage....and you know that means A LOT!!


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Molly said...

my friend, what a beautiful post. i have tears. i must say (in slight rebuttal to what you said), in no way were you "just" anything. you were my teammate and i would not have been able to do any of it without you. you believed in me when i did not and encouraged me when i was unsure of oh so many things. that's why i'm so happy you did choir with me, why i'm so glad we attempted tennis together, why i wish you would've done cheerleading with me (don't kill me!), why i followed you to youth group, why we had ariel contests on the phone and the list goes on. and on. and on. you have been beautiful from day one (although i thought you shined most in our peach outfits) and i am forever blessed to walk through life with you. i am so proud of you- all you've accomplished and all you've persevered through. love you more than you know!!!!!!

and i totally agree with flee, you are so the present at the bottom of the stocking!!!