Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project 31 Day 14: Post an outfit picture

Well, it took me several days to get to this post because, again, it was a dreaded outfit picture post. I kept putting it off, thinking "Maybe tomorrow I'll like what I'm wearing enough to post a picture of it..." Ya. Didn't happen.

Last night at dinner I asked Joey to just take a picture of me as I was yesterday because otherwise I would never get this post done. We both forgot until we were in bed, but by then, we both decided that I wouldn't have really wanted a picture of myself from yesterday anyway. It was a weird day, and by the end of it, I found myself crying in a coffee shop over a chocolate milk shake that instead of being made with chocolate ice cream was made with vanilla ice cream and Hershey's syrup. (It wasn't really about the milkshake, but that disappointment just sent me right over the edge.)

So this morning, on our way out the door for church, Joey grabbed his camera and told me to come outside so he could take a picture of me. I was holding Addie, so she's in the picture with me. Even though you can't exactly see my entire outfit, her outfit is definitely worth looking at--she looks like a little valentine! Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?


Unknown said...

Awww look at her smile! She is so gorgeous! I love your blue:) SOrry about the milkshake, i had MANY times just like that..your not weird!

Melanie-Pearl said...

YES!!! (and now i'm so sad about not seeing her changes/growing.)

the blue is beautiful. i just bought a thin, soft, merino cardigan in the palest blue heather with chiffon tucks and vintage rhinestone (repro) buttons. (Talbots...yes, I'm officially a grown-up now.)

i think the pale blue is a beautiful compliment to the vintage peach and champagne tones. just saw in the Wall St J (another grown-up thing i do :)) that ORANGE is going to be the hot color this summer. Makes sense if you look at the color wheel. Blue and Orange are complimentary.

COLOR!!! Yay!