Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Project 31 Day 9: What Virtues Do You Value about Yourself?

Before today, I hadn't thought of the following things about myself as virtues because they're just part of who I am. In fact, I sometimes even look at them as weaknesses because they open me up to hurt or guilt or something similar. As I thought through these few things though, I realized that I really do value them; they help make me uniquely me.

gentleness--I tend to have a problem being direct when I suspect there could be hurt or offense involved, so sometimes being gentle can cause me to keep my mouth shut for too long. But in the end, I like to approach people and situations with gentleness because I don't like unintentionally hurting people's feelings.

empathy--I feel things very deeply, and my heart easily breaks along with other hearts that are breaking. I'm not as good at the taking action to fix it part (because often, I just don't know how to), but if you need a shoulder to cry on and someone to let you know that you are heard and that what you feel matters, I'm your girl.

responsibility--This one is a double-edged sword. I have a hard time not following through when I've given my word or when I know I should do something simply because it's the right thing to do. If I don't do it (on either account), I have an immense amount of guilt. On the flip side, I like having a sense of responsibility because it makes me pretty dependable. I like that people can depend on me.

sensitivity--I like that I have a soft heart. Soft hearts are much more attractive than hard hearts, don't you think? I tend to cry a lot, but I think that just shows that I feel things deeply. Feeling things, even when they do not feel good, reminds you that you are alive.

thoughtfulness--I like it when other people are thoughtful, so I suppose that means that I must like the fact that I'm thoughtful, too. I like doing things that are intentional and meaningful. I like putting in the extra effort. I admit that I'm not always consistent with it (but consistency isn't one of the virtues I value about myself because, well, I'm not always consistent!) 

loyalty--I am faithful, and not just to my favorite grocery store or hair stylist. When I love someone, I'm fully "in," whether I see that person on a daily basis or not.

These are in no particular order, and I'm sure there are probably more things about myself I could list if I gave it more thought. It took quite a bit of time for me to figure out these six things, but I'm so glad I took the time to do it anyway. It's so easy to list my faults, and unfortunately, I think I spend far to much time thinking about those things. What I discovered tonight was validating; it was certainly time well spent.


tommysmommy said...

definitely some of my favorite things about you!! reading this list (and your blog really) has made me miss living near you and being close like in high school. we'll have to work on that! thanks for being all 6 and so much more of those traits! and i thank God for building them up in you!

Unknown said...

Sweet Katharine. You are such a great encourager! I miss living close to you, too. You are a treasure!

Melanie-Pearl said...

It is a beautiful list. So true, too! You are right to camp on the positives to squash the negative. Truth wins!